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A Deeper Look


00:00 / 00:59

The following audio clips have been created to offer you a Deeper Look into the social structure proposed in Currency.

“Why” clips to give you a snapshot of the factors that inspired the writing of the novel.

“How” clips will address the question, “How did The Network manage to get elected?” 

“2028” These share a glimpse of what the world looks like right after The Network was

elected in the year 2028.  


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Individual Clips
00:00 / 02:13

DEFINING CURRENCY (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) Let’s define currency. Which definition of currency are we referring to? A standardized medium of exchange. In the beginning, that exchange took on many forms… from beads, to clay discs, to pieces of different metal that caught the eye of the beholder. They started out as small, flat metal discs with designs impressed on them. Then, when portability became an issue, small pieces of paper bearing the designs were soon introduced to accompany those metal discs. Over time, those pieces of metal and their matching pieces of paper, became what we know today as money— currency. Where did it all go wrong? Simple answer: human nature. Greed crept in. People began to amass and hoard money and thus started the ever widening chasm between the haves and the have nots. It’s bizarre when you think about it. What real value does money (those little pieces of paper) have anyway? We can’t eat them. We can’t wear them. We can’t use them for shelter—but they have provided a convenient means of exchange for a long, long time. And during that time, the gap between those people who have a lot of those little pieces of paper (money) and those who do not, has widened. Net result: the haves now wield increasingly more power and prestige over the have-nots. This disparity is the underpinning of the majority of the problems our world faces today: whether it's hunger, homelessness, access to health care, pollution, clothing, shelter, climate change, war... The list goes on and on. These very problems were the genesis of both Currency - The Book, and Currency - The Network.

00:00 / 02:28

THE CURRENCY OF CHOICE (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) How did The Network come up with its Currency of Choice? To answer this, The Network raised three key questions: 1. How can individuals and nations be put on an equal playing field? 2. What currency does every person on the planet have an equal supply of? 3. What can be done to eradicate the gap between the haves and have-nots, while still addressing all of the world’s major issues? Enter The Network —a new social structure that shifted the currency of exchange. And that new currency is: time. Here in the year 2028, the currency that we use for everything is our time. And because our time is our currency, no one person is any “wealthier" (in any way), than another. When we see someone who has something we don’t have, or is doing something that we’re not doing, we understand that it’s all about the choices they have made—and we could have made those same choices if we wanted to. They have chosen to spend their time on that “something”. It might be fancy clothes, or a trip to Disneyland, or dinner at an upscale restaurant… it’s all about choice. The question is, “How do each of us want to spend our time—and on what?” But the biggest choice that everyone had to make at the time of the election was whether or not they wanted “The Network” and whether or not they wanted to govern themselves—to decide everything for themselves! They had to embrace the idea that The Network is not separate or distinct from the people. We The People…. We Are The Network. And now, together, here in 2028, we have decided. As a majority, we decided to no longer be victims. We The People, decided collectively, in a free election, to become The Network. And in time, we will need to evaluate everything and decide for ourselves once again. Should enough people in the future decide they want to re-elect our old system of external representation—a system where they are governed by a handful of politicians that make decisions for them—all they will need to do is vote for that in their next upcoming free election.

00:00 / 03:47

MONEY - POWER - POSITION (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) It was impossible to turn on the television, or browse the online evening news and not see that money, power and position were at the root of almost every problem, every evil, every challenge and every issue that we faced back in 2024. No matter what crisis, it was obvious that someone, somewhere was making a huge profit, or amassing power, from someone else’s misfortune. Needless to say, those profiteers and power-mongers weren’t about to change. They liked things just the way they were—and most of the rest of us allowed it to happen. What were we thinking to allow greed, the need for more and more, to cause so much suffering in the world? Even though it was all around us, how did we manage to shut it out; to turn a blind eye on the effects of our choices. I heard it argued that we couldn’t be held responsible for such things as “illness”. But then, let’s be honest ... we knew that often, even illness was the result of a lack of healthcare, poor nutrition, or abysmal living condition. So again, we knew that the real culprit was the huge gap between the haves and the have-nots; and we continued to condone it. And … it was not only people paying the price. Our ecosystem was screaming at us to stop, to change our ways. But most of us seemed more interested in maintaining the status quo than we were in making changes. The status quo had somehow become more important to us than the survival of our own planet. Maybe it was just that we were too scared to step out of our comfort zone, to give up our perceived lifestyle. That was ... until The Network came along. Now— because money is no longer the driver—the need for profit is gone. So our ability to ensure everyone has enough of everything they need is our focus. And we no longer feel the need to cut corners, or to make things quickly or cheaply—and certainly the need to make everything disposable is long gone. As for power …now that all companies and businesses are owned by all of us, the race for power and position is history. Now that no one person has power over any other person’s future—and with the 3 year limit imposed on all working positions—everything has changed. As for equality: the simultaneous removal of money, power and position was key. Had any one of these three elements been allowed to remain, achieving true equality would have been a pipe dream. Had money been allowed to remain in any form, digital or otherwise, power and position would have gone underground and re-established itself there. Things could have gotten worse, not better. Had power or position been allowed to remain, the influential and the elite of the world, would simply have found another barter system to replace money and we would have been right back where we started. In essence, because they were removed simultaneously, no longer does “money, power or position” in any form, call the shots in this world.

00:00 / 02:41

WHY? HUNGER ! (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) Back in 2024, the headlines read: HUNGER: THE QUIET PANDEMIC—ONE IN TEN HUNGRY! Three photos were lined up under that headline. The first, a photo of an an emaciated child sitting in the dirt with an empty bowl in her lap. The second, an elderly man in a dilapidated military jacket sitting at an table opening a can of dog food. And the third, was a garbage truck dumping tons of spoiled vegetables into a land fill. Further down in the article, another picture showed a buffett table laden with tray after tray of tantalizing food, surrounded by people loading dinner plates. The last line of the article read: THE HAVE’S AND THE HAVE-NOTS !! These disturbing scenes were the type of fertilizer that helped initiate the growth of The Network. Hunger was one of its first targets. Over the next 5 years, from 2024 until today, The Network has had shadow committees working to overcome the biggest problems. Hunger being front and centre! As The Network gained momentum, more and more people became involved. The Network had help — wealthy benefactors and philanthropists made so much possible with enormous donations. Land owners who believed in the cause, either loaned large tracts of land for agriculture, or in many cases, just donated it outright. But… the biggest help came from ordinary people—working people who donated their own personal time off work. The unemployed ... people on social assistance ... retired people ... they all came forward to help. The goal: to create an effective from field-to-table system of delivery, while eliminating waste. From planting, to growing, to harvesting, to processing, to packaging, right through to delivery; for each and every one of the major food groups. For those foods we could not grow here at home, our international division went to work. It became all about trade, especially with countries that were already part of The Network. Import requirements were valued against exports, creating a smooth, efficient mechanism of exchange. The year is now 2028. Now the headlines read: HUNGER: A PLAGUE OF THE PAST! The Network’s plan is a reality!

00:00 / 01:56

WHY? HOMELESSNESS ! (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) The Network has officially been in place for less than a year, and already headlines read: HOMELESSNESS ON THE RUN! But we’re not done yet. Just 5 years ago (back in 2024), sadly, every city in the world was unofficially divided by class. There were slums—places known as “the wrong side of the tracks”. There were working class neighborhoods and yuppie areas. And of course, there were entire “communities” for the elite and upper class. Much, much worse than that, there were more than 500,000 homeless people in the US—numbers that were comparable to most countries around the world. And in some countries the numbers were even worse. People living under bridges, sleeping in subway stations. HOMELESS. Maybe it was because of these shocking statistics that people became so motivated to help. Under the shadow guidance of The Network, although not yet elected, committed people and agencies began offering generous and unprecedented support. Donations of building materials, money, labor and qualified workers started rolling in. In order to provide housing for everyone, The Network’s criteria for housing was approximately 800 square feet for single people and 1200 square feet for a family. Once these objectives are reached, The Network’s long term plan is to implement a three stage program for housing. Suffice it to say—no one will ever have to sleep under a bridge, or cuddle up next to an air vent, to survive the night, ever again!

00:00 / 02:15

WHY? HEALTHCARE ! (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) In 2023, the total compensation package for the leading drug manufacturer’s CEO, was (according to Google) $33,348,000.00, In 2023, a one year supply of a specialty drug for just one person would cost that person over $300,000.00 US. Because of these sickening statistics, it’s not surprising that astronomical hospital bills were the norm. The problem was that many, many people who needed to go to the hospital simply could not afford to go. And those who needed ongoing care for chronic conditions, but didn’t have medical insurance, were in even bigger trouble. And…. for those really unfortunate souls who needed one of those specialty drugs? Unless they had money, they were doomed to a poor quality of life ... or compromised health ... or even death. It is easy to see where the cynical statement, “there is no money in good health” got its rise. That was the norm in 2024. The cost of drugs was a political “hot potato” that politicians juggled; because it was known that drug companies exerted massive influence on those in political positions. Profit reigned, riding on the back of inequality. The climate of the entire health care system in 2024 was fertile ground for sowing the seeds of The Network. 2028. Enter The Network. With money gone, profit is no longer an issue for our drug and health care sectors. The target has switched to equality; where everyone is accorded the opportunity to enjoy both physical and mental health. Today the focus is on proactive wellness care for everyone-- not just a privileged few like it used to be. Now, here, in 2028, good healthcare is no longer only for those who can afford it.

00:00 / 02:38

WHY? HELPLESSNESS ! (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) Sadly, helplessness was alive and well back in 2024. People felt helpless to change the system ... helpless to deal with the growing poverty ... helpless to deal with hunger and homelessness ... helpless to deal with an unresponsive government. They felt like they had no say, no power, regardless of what particular political system they lived under. These feelings led to a general malaise that can best be characterized by the phrase “what’s the use?”. Helplessness thrived and had been thriving for decades. But also in 2024, at the very first hint of The Network, we watched the dawning of the demise of Helplessness. The Network heralded the birth of a new philosophy: Educate—Activate—Participate! People were encourage to get involved, get active, talk to everyone and anyone who would listen. Today everything has changed. There is no ineffective government. There are no politicians. There are only people; many of whom work on commissions. Commissions whose job it is to pave the way for whatever the majority of the electorate voted for. The people on the commissions are doers, not deciders. They must rotate back into the general populace at least every 3 years. No one can cling to power. Today there is active and direct representation—true democracy. Today, people are encouraged to vote (via an electronic portal on their personal devise) on everything of a major nature. And its a simple majority rules. But to vote, you must pass an online test about the issue you’re about to vote on. This ensures that you understand the pros and cons of the topic; and the consequences of your vote. Today, here in 2028… the future is in our hands. There are no victims or villains—and there is no room for helplessness now. Helplessness might have been a life and death struggle back in 2024, but thanks to The Network, today an obituary might read: HELPLESSNESS DEAD!! And it is with a sense of relief that we report the demise of this villain.

00:00 / 02:47

WHY? OVERPOPULATION ! (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) In 2024, we had a world population of 7.8 billion people. Dangerously close our Earth’s maximum capacity. Now, here in 2028, The Network has a goal to reduce the world population over the next four generations. At the end of those four generations, our planet will experience the first negative birth rate it has had in centuries. So, obviously, once any country achieves a negative birth rate, an adjustment to policy will need to be made for that country. But until then, over population will continue to feed into every problem we are battling. From hunger ... to lack of healthcare ... to homelessness ... to water shortages ... to pollution ... and the list goes on. Now, having won the election and with the foundations in place to provide for our basic needs, The Network is ready to tackle one of the root problems--over population! The strategy? Simple. If two people have only one baby, then one generation later (roughly twenty-seven years) we will already have cut our population in half. Do this for three more generations and our 7.8 billion will be down to roughly Nine Hundred and Forty million people. And this number does not include people who chose not to have any children ... or those who chose to adopt ... or those who died young. 940 Million. Now that’s a number our Earth can support. The approach? Equally as simple. Following the delivery of her first baby, mom is asked to consent to tubal ligation. Safe, simple, effective birth control. But what happens in the event of an accidental pregnancy or should mom refuse tubal ligation? There are no negative repercussions-- because the system itself is self-regulating. Everyone knows that the extra goodies in life are more abundant for smaller families. And what about those circumstances that are unforeseen, like the death of a child? Simply put: compassion is built right into the system. The reversal of a tubal ligation is not only accessible, it’s safe and effective. It goes without saying that every person has the indisputable right to procreate. But, hand in hand with that right should come the responsibility not to over-populate.

00:00 / 02:28

WHY? FAMILY ! (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) A glance back to the rat race of 2024 ... Most everyone had to work roughly one half of every year just to pay their taxes. That day, usually in mid June, became know as “tax free day”. And, the other one-half of their income was expected to cover everything else. Including all the basics, like: food, clothes, rent, utilities, car expenses, gas, repairs, insurance. AND also from that same, leftover other half, they had to try to pay for all the really important things in life, like: savings for university, or medical insurance, or even just braces for their kids. So, the challenge back in 2024 was to find a way to pay for all of this ... and then have enough money left over to enjoy a family life. Money, to do things like: take your kids to a movie, fund the activities they would like to take part in, or just make sure you could afford to take time off to be with them as a family. What a contrast to the world now in 2028! Taxes are gone, and so too is the stress of paying for housing, food, medical, education and all those “other” essential expenses. Suddenly, your 4 hour workday provides for all your family’s basic necessities. And, if you choose to work an additional 4 hours at a Career-Job, (that’s a total of no more than 8 hours a day), you’re doing so, to enrich your life. Not only in terms of doing something fulfilling and worthwhile with your time, but also to bank fulfillment hours. So that we can take our kids to the movies ... get them into that sport they want ... or take that extra special vacation everyone has been looking forward to. The true value of the Fulfillment Division is abundantly apparent. The attitude of 2024--where life took a back seat to work, and taking time for family, or leisure was rare--has done an abrupt “about face”. People are now rediscovering the value of leisure and the importance of family time. Everyone is breathing a silent “good riddance” to the stresses of what now seems like long ago.

00:00 / 02:21

WHY? FEAR ! (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) Let’s talk about fear. Fear can be overt or covert, physical or emotional, but regardless of its form, fear controls humans—and it was doing a fine job of controlling all of us in the not-too-distant past. What are some of the effects of fear? Frustration ... immobility ... and all too often, aggression—like the aggression that was gripping the world in 2024. And it wasn’t just adults who were fearful. Many young people were close to being paralyzed with fear. Will I ever be able to own my own home? Will I get a good enough job to survive? As they watched their parents struggling to live from paycheck to paycheck. Are we on the brink of a third world war? Will our planet even survive? In the novel, Currency, it’s Fred who talks about the problem first. To quote Fred: “Fear. Everybody is scared to friggin’ death. It’s putting ‘em under pressure, and most people don’t do good under pressure. So we got shootings and road rage and robberies — but underneath there’s just one big friggin’ problem. Fear.” Also in the novel, it’s Laurel who reflects on how shocked some people were when The Network was elected. To quote Laurel: “I marvel at their naivety. Did they truly think that much fear in the world would not have a consequence? The year is now 2028. And fear—the force that controlled—is gone. The Network began systematically breaking down fear by engaging people in every facet of their new approach to problems. The result: everything has changed. The future is not only bright, there is nothing to fear. Hunger has been eliminated. Poverty is no more. Everyone has a home. Everyone has clothes to wear. Everyone has access to medical care when they need it. Everyone has the same right and access to education. Everyone is safe. Everyone is equal. Fear is no more!

00:00 / 02:11

WHY? URBAN SPRAWL ! (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) The Year is 2028. Land is life, and at last it is being treated like the precious life-giving support system that it truly is. No more are we treating land like a resource or a commodity. Historically, we watched good, productive land be expropriated by urban sprawl. Or by greedy developers for massive subdivisions—that often had paid-off politicians paving the way. But today, land management policies now focus on the best use of the land (both rural and urban) rather than potential profit. Now, vast tracts of land are being reclaimed for farming, ranching, grazing—even forestry. Our focus is now on the environment. And, we have fair and effective land-use policies that benefit all citizens. Rather than mostly benefiting a select few. In the past, it was money that did all the talking and nothing else mattered. Property lines have disappeared, leaving only international borders and state/provincial lines in place. Coast to coast, border to border and everything in-between now belongs to every citizen in the country! Granted, initially there was pushback from some very powerful and wealthy groups. Now, many of these people are seeing the overwhelming positives that The Network is offering and are becoming strong supporters of its land management philosophy. What is that philosophy? So long as any group or individual is allowed to amass property of any kind (including land), there will always be inequity; and in this world inequity does not need to exist. We can do things differently. No one truly needs ownership over anything. And the driver for someone wanting to attain ownership, is to garner some form of wealth or power.

00:00 / 02:21

WHY? MENTAL HEALTH & DESPAIR ! (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) We are mid-way through 2028. The first year that the Network has been in place, and already the media headlines are reflecting a number of positive effects from this radically different system. Headline: SUICIDE RATE DROPS DRAMATICALLY ! Headline: INTERPERSONAL STRESS LEVELS FALLING ! With headline after headline reporting reductions in stress—locally, nationally, and internationally—all types of conflicts are plummeting. Assaults, shootings, homicides, drug abuse levels—all falling, almost simultaneously. In 2024, before The Network became well known, mental health issues that people were suffering from were at epidemic levels. The competition to succeed at the expense of others, ran rampant. The credo of, “be number one”, was the platform on which our society was based. Stresses caused by this edict were the catalyst behind the epidemic of violence, despair and suicides, that we were all aware of. Mass shootings, bombings, homicide, assault, war, genocide, opioid epidemics—how well we remember!! People were not designed to live in a constant state of stress, so naturally the result was an overwhelming number of mental health issues in the population. These, in turn, fueled more stress-related behavior and violence. A vicious circle. Very little value or emphasis was placed on satisfaction, contentment or happiness in 2024. “Get ahead at all costs”, was the unspoken recipe that bombarded the populace. Enter The Network and its radically different approach to life. With the removal of money, power and hierarchy, the fundamental importance of fulfillment has come to the forefront. People now have hope. Where there had been no hope, now there is not only hope—but there are also endless possibilities. Not just for a select few either, but possibilities for everybody. Good mental health throughout our nation and the world is flourishing in this new environment and the future looks great!

00:00 / 02:29

WHY? POLLUTION ! (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) Were we so focused on money, power and position in 2024, that we were foolish enough to be poisoning the very host that was providing for us? Giving us life? ... In retrospect, it certainly looks that way. We were polluting our planet to the brink of making ourselves extinct. Protest groups all over the world were like voices crying in the wilderness, as they tried to stem the ever-increasing flow of pollutants that were choking the very systems that were sustaining us as a species. But money, power and position, forged onward. Ignoring the cries of protest. Oceans full of single use plastics. Rainforests falling to the roar of bulldozers—claiming the wood was nothing more than a resource! Wetlands being drained, rather than recognizing them as the essential water filtration system that they were … and are. On and on it went—all in the pursuit of the almighty dollar. We were rapidly reaching the point of no return; the point when our earth would be beyond recovery. But then came a single word: NETWORK. 2024 became a turning point. At first, it was just curiosity that gripped a small segment of the population. But the voices prevailed and grew in volume. More and more people realized that massive change was desperately needed to bring our host back into balance and The Network seemed to offer the solution. More people came on board with this radically new concept expressed as: No Money, No Power, No Position. Controversy raged. And The Network concept gathered even more momentum. Hope for a sustainable future became a reality as old systems gave way to new. Earlier this year (here in 2028) The Network was voted in, and among its major initiatives, wiping out the scourge of pollution is a priority. We are not there yet, but with The Network guiding us, we have definitely turned the corner.

00:00 / 02:38

HOW? THE PEOPLE TOOK CHARGE (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) Many people back in 2024 were not only skeptical about The Network, a lot of people simply dismissed it, saying, “It will never work. Nobody’s going to vote for that!” But what they did not see, or chose to ignore, was the rapidly growing number of people who were desperate for change. People who were homeless, or had been marginalized in some way. People who were wondering how they were going to feed their families with the rising cost of food. Obviously, all these people voted for The Network. Along with them was the 34% of the population who would never own their home due to the price of buying a house. And, many people who did own their home, but were parents— and because university tuition in the US had gone to over $100,000 for a simple 4 year degree—many of those people also showed up at the polls to vote Network. Add to that, everyone in need of medical care but couldn’t afford it… and, well, you get the picture! Simple math should have told those skeptics what was coming. History has a way of repeating itself. Remember the peasants who fought in the Russian Revolution with pitchforks and axes … and won? History was, once again ripe for change, but this time pitchforks and axes were replaced with information and peaceful determination to create a better world. A world of equality and respect—where marginalization due to race, religion, or financial status—would not be tolerated. And they were prepared to do whatever it took to achieve that. Who would have guessed that within months, people from every walk of life would be volunteering their time to work in fields ... factories ... filling even the most undesirable positions? They formed shadow committees to mirror every level and branch of the existing government. So that they might learn the intricacies that would be necessary for them to run what would become, “commissions”. People were determined to create sustainable, lasting change in a peaceful manner. Lofty ideals, but it was the poor, underprivileged majority who really made it happen—because they had both time and sense of purpose on their side. These were the factors that The Network naysayers in 2024 had overlooked.

00:00 / 03:02

HOW? POLITICAL CHANGE (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) The year is 2028, and The Network is in place. How did this happen—seemingly overnight? ... It didn’t. It took 5 years of planned, gradual change. One of the biggest changes: no more politicians. No longer does a representative decide for a constituency. Today we decide for ourselves and vote on issues personally and directly. As a result, power mongering and corruption have all but disappeared. Another change revolves around ownership. All businesses … all farming and food production … all health care … all service industries … all companies large or small—have gone from being privately owned, to no longer being owned by any individuals. Everything is now owned collectively by everyone. Part of the initial work was deciding which businesses would remain and which ones would be amalgamated. We, the people, as owners, recognized that healthy competition is important. Even when both businesses have the same owner—i.e.: you and I, the people. Competition encourages creativity and initiative. Encouraging everyone to ponder, “which of our branches will come up with the best product or service”? No longer is profit the focus of any business or industry. Today, its’ not about offering services, or making things quickly and cheaply. With plenty of people-hours available to create the goods and services that we need, quality and durability are the new watchwords. In a lot of ways, our jobs have not changed. The same skills and educational qualifications that landed you a job in the pre-Network world, are the same skills and qualifications that are required today. And, people with advanced skills are being encouraged to take on Commission positions. Then, their expertise and experience can be shared, with more junior people to help make the transition to The Network as seamless as possible. It’s encouraging to see how, already, people are beginning to embrace the concept of not owning a business ... or land ... or a service industry. Many people are saying that they’re experiencing a sense of relief now that the burden of ownership, and the responsibility for making a profit, has been lifted from their shoulders. Now they are enjoying their work every bit as much as they are enjoying their leisure. Better still, thanks to these changes, poverty and inequality have all but evaporated.

00:00 / 02:52

HOW? A NEW JUSTICE SYSTEM (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) The Justice System in 2024 was built on two platforms: criminal law and civil law. Money was the wheel on which each system revolved. In the criminal law system, the quicker a lawyer could get the criminal back on the street to re-offend, the quicker the lawyer could make some more money. On the civil law side, lawsuits for every imaginable issue—from automobile accidents, to malpractice suits—overwhelmed the courts and legal settlements were ridiculously high. The result? Prices were being driven higher and higher. Insurance companies increased their premiums to stay profitable, and drug companies were pushing the cost of life saving medication out of reach. So, on the one hand, dangerous criminals were allowed to walk the streets, and on the other, the costs of insurance, drugs and other services skyrocketed. That was the reality of 2024. Here in 2028, we have The Network. With money gone, there are no longer any drug, personal injury or malpractice lawsuits whatsoever, so the old litigious mentality is dead. In criminal law, the focus has shifted to harsher sentences and no parole for serious crimes and repeat offenders. Capital punishment has been re-introduced for murder one and treason. And, as expected, it once again is proving to be the great deterrent that it always was. Then the attention shifted to the judges themselves. Their terms as a judge, as with all other jobs and positions, became limited to 3 years, making it virtually impossible for power or position to become a factor in their tenure. Most importantly, an Anti-Corruption unit has been formed. Their function is to anticipate and eradicate all attempts being made to create any underground economy. Any form of black market would re-establish a system where money, power and hierarchy would prevail—which sadly, would eventually lead to poverty and inequality once again. So, the anti-corruption unit is the “watchdog” for The Network. They police everything from voting to favoritism, to nepotism, to power grabbing; even queue jumping. The old adage, “it’s not what you know but who you know that matters” is quickly being eliminated. The justice system has indeed changed. Here in 2028, with the elimination of money, power and position, crime has plummeted.

00:00 / 03:29

HOW? THE SECOND AMENDMENT (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) Headline of 2024 reads: ANOTHER NIGHTCLUB SHOOTING! Almost instantly the proponents of strict gun control raised another cry to ban private ownership of guns. Then, a very different headline from the same year reads: PRO-GUN NEW HAMPSHIRE BOASTS LOWEST MURDER RATE IN THE US. Similar articles from other Pro-Gun states report: “Violent career criminals are not applying for state permits to carry guns and statistics in states where citizens are ‘permitted to carry’ showed a marked decrease in violent crime.  This is an obvious deterrent to the would be criminal; never knowing when they might encounter an armed citizen." Meanwhile, in other news, a study done by The Fraser Institute of Canada, found that countries where sweeping firearm regulations have been introduced, i.e. Great Britain, Australia and Canada, all saw dramatic increases in violent crime since the introduction of the regulations. This article further states that, “What makes gun control so compelling for many is the belief that violent crime is driven by the availability of guns. The analysis overall found that this assumption was false.” Let’s fast forward to 2028, and the election of The Network. Among the more controversial issues The Network tackled, was the issue of gun control. The Network immediately banned all assault type weapons, like sub-machine-guns. But rather than completely banning all other defense and sporting firearms, The Network chose to emulate the success of places where citizens are encouraged to carry firearms. Next, The Network created rigorous firearm training programs, and enforced an intense vetting process for all prospective owners. Hand-in-hand with this they have instituted severe and exacting penalties for gun-related crimes. By adopting this position, The Network recognized that a gun is merely a tool. It does not commit crimes. People do. Which raised the question “Why do some individuals resort to such extreme violence?” The Network shifted its focus onto this question. Immediately it became evident that much of the cause of the violence was related to people experiencing some form of marginalization. The real culprits were poverty, despair, fear, mental health and unemployment. The Network’s mission is to completely disarm all of these true culprits. Their mandate is to address the root causes of gun violence while, at the same time, ensuring that we don’t become a defenseless society. History has taught us that defenseless societies are extremely vulnerable for takeover by authoritarian rulers and dictators. Scarier still, had The Network disarmed the populace, especially as we implement this major change in our social structure, other superpowers around the world would certainly have seen us as “ripe for the picking”. Instead, by encouraging everyone to take part in legitimate, responsible gun ownership, we now have a much safer, much less violent society.

00:00 / 02:55

HOW? TRANSPORTATION ADDRESSED (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) In 2024, success was often measured by the kind of car a person drove, or the number of vehicles they owned. That equated to some 284 million cars and light trucks in the US. Worse yet, there were over 2 million semi’s with tractor-trailers. The result? The cost of building roads and maintaining highways was astronomical. More problematic, though, was the staggering amount of air pollution being produced. Enter 2028! While international movement of freight and passengers on ocean liners and air travel has remained much the same, the entire face of domestic travel has changed dramatically. No longer are there privately owned motor vehicles. Yay!! One less measure of elitism. And the use of fossil fuel for tractor-trailers and buses has all but disappeared. Instead, solar power has taken over and ‘The Train’ is king! Multiple level tracks have replaced most highways. The lower level tracks are for slower moving freight trains; and upper level tracks are carrying the faster passenger trains. Our new rail system has three segments that move people all around the country. First: The Transcontinental passenger trains are the lap of luxury. With upscale dining cars, posh viewing carriages, and spacious berths for either singles or families; each boasting private three-piece bathrooms. Second: The In-State commuter trains are a blend of high speed, privacy and comfort. Designed to replace the family car—with first class service on board! Each private compartment has lie-flat seats & built-in computers. There are different compartments that cater to different-sized families or groups of up to six. In this stress-free environment, coupled with comfort and privacy, no one misses the family car. And third: The Inner-city Transit was built primarily for speed and efficiency. Most city streets are now transit lines for this train. These three trains have made travel—whether it’s local or from coast to coast—easy and comfortable. If you’re wondering how outlying areas and towns are being connected, we have “The Truss”. It’s a bus designed to mimic the comfort of the In-State commuter. It’s adaptable enough for an “on the fly” pickup at Truss Stops and sophisticated enough to allow for in-advance booking if you want a private booth. And, if you’re longing for the nostalgia of being behind the wheel, you can use banked hours to “rent” almost any kind of vehicle (or motorbike) and go for a drive. Even take a vacation! The benefits of this new system for people are obvious, but the real winner is our environment.

00:00 / 02:57

2028! THE THREE DIVISIONS (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) 2028 newspaper headline reads: NETWORK ELECTED ! What does this mean and what does it look like? The anticipation (mingled with apprehension) is palatable, as the old systems are replaced with the new. Simply put: the three key elements on which our previous society had been built, are no more. No more money. No more hierarchy. No more personal power. Time has become the commodity of commerce. A commodity that every person has an equal amount of. To accomplish the goals of the newly structured society, The Network was divided into 3 Divisions. Division One: The Social Division. A Division to look after the 6 basic and essential needs—including: food, shelter, clothing, health care, education and safety. The sense of security, and relief that everyone is feeling is immeasurable! Division Two: The Career Division. Although working in this Division and having a Career is not mandatory, most people are choosing to either pursue their previous Career farther, or embark on a new one. By doing so, they earn 4 hours of banked time daily that they can spend however they want to in The Fulfillment Division. We’ll talk about this one in a minute. Even more exciting, for those people who previously could not afford the educational costs of the Career of their dreams, those doors are now open. Now, everyone can have a Career that brings them passion and excitement. Division Three: The Fulfillment Division. This Division recognizes the desire for goodies in life, and it provides the mechanism to have them. Here is where people spend the banked time they’ve earned from their Career-Job. The list of choices of how to spend banked time is endless: Arts & Entertainment / Sports & Recreation / Travel & Leisure / Product & Services / Philosophy & Religion / Culture & Heritage / and more. The Fulfillment Division is like the cherry on top of a sundae. By dividing our social structure into these 3 Divisions, The Network has made available to each and every person the means and opportunity to have all their basic needs met. An opportunity to find passion and meaning in life. And finally, the time and means to engage in activities designed to bring joy. The Network has found a way to offer every one of us the four “L’s” of life: Live, Laugh, Love & Learn.

00:00 / 03:22

2028! DIVISION ONE: THE SOCIAL DIVISION (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) Timestamp 2028! The Network is now in place. First priority: The Social Division. The mandate is to end hunger, homelessness, and provide everyone with equal access to health care, education, safety and clothing. To do this, everyone works up to 4 hours each work day in the Social Position of their choice. With the working-age population being estimated at some 208 million—and with each of them providing roughly 20 working hours each week—that total number of person hours available to The Social Division is staggering. Determining the number of man-hours needed in each section of The Social Division is not quite as simple as dividing by 6. The greater and lesser needs of each section is dependent on the emergent issues facing them in the moment. For example: initially, a larger percentage of people were hired in the Healthcare Section. There were a lot of people who had never had health or dental care of any kind, so catching up on that huge backlog is taking more people today than that section will need in the future. Also, a larger number of workers were hired specifically in the drug abuse section of Healthcare, to address the massive opioid epidemic of 2024. Today, with that crisis dissolving, fewer workers are needed there. To eliminate the possibility of someone garnering positional power, individuals are only allowed to stay in a Social Position for a maximum of 3 years. Therefore, it’s necessary to move between at least two different Social Positions—flipping back and forth between them. Or—you're welcome to flip between three or more positions if you want to. To facilitate the choosing of your mandatory Social Position, there is an online database for all Social Positions. Everything from farmers, to clothing designers, to carpenters, to nurses, to teachers, to police officers ... and more. Every adult has access to the database and you can apply for anything you are qualified for. And if you’re having trouble, there is a team of people to help you find the perfect position for you. A minute ago I said up to 4 hours. That number varies slightly based on the rating of the position. Depending on its rating—"undesirable" positions often have a higher rating. The higher the rating, the more time off that person gets—resulting in less time worked daily. No banked time is ever earned from Social Positions. The Network also has built-in a structure called The Merit Council, to make sure our seniors, people with disabilities, and others who require special consideration, are adequately taken care of. Nothing like this existed in 2024. Therefore, people were divided into the “haves” and the “have-nots”. Today, no-one is hungry, homeless, poor, or in need of help. What a relief!

00:00 / 03:09

2028! THE COMMISSIONS (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) The Network is a radically different social system, where the old style of top down government has been replaced with Commissions comprised of people from all walks of life. In stark contrast to the traditional system—where a politician was able to create their own little power circle of supporters and benefactors—The Network replaced that entire system with an overall structure of 3 Divisions. Each Division is broken down into Commissions; the purpose of which is to take responsibility for a specific segment of the overall structure. The function of Commission members is to execute the wishes of the electorate. For example: Division One—The Social Division—is comprised of 6 Commissions. One each, for Food, Housing, Clothing, Health, Education, and Safety. Under The Network, each state was divided into Districts based on a formula of population plus area. Each Commission has 12 members per District. Of these members, 2 will serve on the state board and 2 (per district) on the national board. All members are limited to a maximum tenure of 3 years, at which time they must vacate their position and are not allowed to serve on any Commission or Council for a period of 3 years. After that, they may apply for another Commission Position as they would qualify as being “experienced” in that realm. The Commissions are what makes The Network structure dramatically different. Commission members are not elected or appointed. They apply for a position and are selected based on their merit and suitability—and the mandatory structure of each and every Commission. Commission structure requires the following mix of members: one minority, one non-minority, one graduate student, one high school student, one female, one male, one industry person, one with no industry background, one person aged 20 to 35, one aged 36 to 50, one aged 51 to 65, and one over 65. This mandatory mix of skill, gender, ethnicity and age give a more thorough perspective to the position, unlike the frequent disproportionate make-up of elected politicians. It also ensures that every commission has both highly qualified and highly educated people as well as people who can bring fresh and innovative ideas to the table. The function of the 2 members designated to state board, and the 2 designated to the national board is to liaise with their counterparts in other districts and regions. To ensure consistency throughout the country. Not only is this new system efficient and effective, but the 3 year rule ensures there is no chance of anyone creating a place of positional power which was so common in the old outdated political system.

00:00 / 02:33

2028! FOOD & NUTRITION (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) The Network is now fully operational, and the first target for The Social Division was to vanquish hunger. Mission accomplished! Now, no child has to go to bed hungry. No elderly person with limited income has to make a meager meal with cheap, unhealthy food. No longer does anyone have to sort through the garbages behind restaurants for food scraps. Wholesome, balanced, nutritional food orders, are as close as your DA (Digital Assistant)—an electronic device not unlike the old fashioned cell phone. The Network has created a weekly, online ordering system, that allows people to order a wholesome, balanced diet, in sufficient quantities to last them and their families for a week. Weekly ordering has accomplished three goals. One: it helps to ensure that food stays fresh. Two: because people now know there is plenty for everyone, it has eliminated the tendency of people to hoard food—especially those who experienced hunger in the past. And three: people no longer order more than their family will eat. There is a friendly reminder that pops up on your DA if your food order does not constitute a balanced diet, but it does not inhibit your ability to order the food you want. The system recognizes individual preferences as well as the fact that every so often someone may want to indulge a specific taste. Overall, the benefits of this system are already showing up in reduced incidents of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. To make it all work, computerization is the key. Every food item is scanned, categorized, tallied and scheduled for delivery. Enabling the Food & Nutrition Department to track local, region and national requirements and plan accordingly. And the future looks even more friendly. Future plans include expanding the service to provide fully prepared meals for those who require that option. As well, The Network would like to move toward a “neighborhood way of life”. Imagine having fresh produce delivered from your local gardener, or salami, from the butcher on the corner. But the best part … is that no child has to go to bed hungry tonight. Or any night. ... Ever again.

00:00 / 02:35

2028! HOUSING & DEVELOPMENT (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) The immense problem of homelessness was another of the first initiatives of The Network. The basic criteria for housing was established—fashioning homes of 800 square feet for single people, while families were provided 1200 square feet. To accomplish this goal in the shortest possible time, existing homes were retrofitted. Small homes were added onto, to create the 800 square foot minimum, while larger homes were reconfigured to make two or more homes of roughly 1200 square feet each. The initial goal was to remove any perception of elitism, while still providing comfortable, adequate housing. The attack on homelessness was set to happen in three Stages. Stage One: Ensure that everyone has a comfortable, functional home to live in—and stage one is now complete. Stage Two: Begin working with homeowners to customize their homes to reflect their choices of approved designs, finishes, and extras. People have an upgrade budget for their home and how they use it is up to them. Stage Three: Every home will become a reflection of its occupants—distinctive and individualistic. Don’t expect monotonous row housing or dreary apartment blocks. Expect the unexpected: like two attractive condo’s side-by-side, with one being a cozy three-level split and the other, a two story designer home. And for those who want even more understanding that it’s all about choice—everyone is free to use their fulfillment hours on whatever they please in life. Including upgrading or expanding their home. Once that occupant leaves, however, a house that was expanded in this way will quickly be restored to its original housing size and standard; and all the materials will be reused on other properties. Moreover, to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to experience that “new home” feeling, every time someone moves into a house, the Housing & Development Commission schedules a, “restore, repaint, revitalize” for that home, prior to the new occupant’s arrival.

00:00 / 02:20

2028! CLOTHING & APPAREL (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) Remember “the old days” when people waited with great anticipation for the arrival of the Sears Fall Catalogue? History repeats itself—especially things that were a success. The Network has revived the concept of an annual catalogue, but this one is only for clothes. It has turned into an effective means of ensuring that everyone has good quality clothing to wear. How does it work? The Clothing & Apparel Commission now creates an annual catalogue of clothing, and from it, people choose all their clothing for the upcoming year. It has clothes for everyone; from children to adults to seniors. There’s outer-wear, underwear, dress clothes, casual wear, shoes, jeans everything—all in one catalogue. You simply browse the catalogue and then order your annual delivery—and it comes right to your door. The best part is that the Commission is able to provide a generous allotment of everything a family needs. And surprisingly, the clothing is not just boring and serviceable—the catalogue offers a wide variety of designer fashions hoping to please every different taste. This really shouldn’t be a surprise because when The Network was elected, one of the initial tasks undertaken was to study every piece of clothing that was available in stores; from specialty boutiques to fashion giants. Then, they tasked a significant number of clothing designers to develop styles that would keep the selections new and interesting. Additionally, once an individual (or family) has ordered and received their annual clothing allocation, the Commission then gathers up all of the used clothes, coats, boots and shoes from the previous year. The recovered articles are then taken apart and all useable components are either remade or recycled. With the number of man-hours that The Social Division has to work with, the days of mass production (of anything) are over; and that includes clothing & apparel. Now, everything can be made with care and craftsmanship. Today, no one is stuck with old, tattered or damaged clothing.

00:00 / 03:12

2028! HEALTHCARE (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) In 2024, healthcare was becoming more and more a privilege of “the haves”. The “have-nots” could only stand by and watch enviously. Then, a further problem became prevalent as the health care system struggled to provide service. Wait times for everything became longer and longer. Costs were astronomical and countries became unable to cope with the spiraling numbers. When it came to health care, inequality became a chasm of unmanageable depth. Enter The Network in 2028, ready to begin the attack on the existing health care fiasco. Luckily, since the time The Network first surfaced in 2024, supporters of the new concept were so certain of its success, they began to proactively plan ahead. The Network began acquiring, renovating and converting large abandoned buildings like warehouses, superstores and malls into clinics, emergency rooms, and recovery facilities. By the time 2028 arrived, the needed facilities were already in place and The Network was able to hit the health care demon head on. Urgently needed services were quickly coordinated; from doctor visits to surgeries—even an aggressive approach to addictions was initiated. The focus expanded to overall “wellness care”, paying attention to living conditions, water sources—even working hand in hand with the Food & Nutrition Commission to ensure better diets. Because cost was no longer a factor, at last, everyone was able to access the health care that so many desperately needed. Social issues like the opioid crisis, alcoholism and recreational drug abuse were now manageable. Newly established, “safe houses”, encouraged addicts to come in and get clean. On-going support helped them stay that way. Today, healthcare of every sort: dental, psychiatric, physio, surgery, re-hab—are all now within reach of everyone. Inequity is rapidly dissolving. An even more significant spin-off effect, is in medical research and development. No longer are medical procedures kept secret or new drug formulations jealously guarded. No longer are drug companies focused on recouping their research costs from those unfortunates that needed their product to live. Time had replaced money. Doctors, nurses, lab techs, medical researchers—everyone in the healthcare profession is now contributing every day to the Healthcare Section of The Social Division with their 4 hour Social commitment. It’s such a relief to say that, “there are more than enough hours to go around”.

00:00 / 04:28

2028! EDUCATION & TECHNOLOGY (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) In 2024, the cost of getting a formal education was rapidly climbing out of reach. A basic four year undergraduate degree in the US exceeded $102,000. Enter The Network and its proposal of radically new concepts—among which was a new and targeted approach to education. The concept caught the attention of so many who could not afford higher learning, that the educators of 2024 took a bold step, and began to introduce The Network’s proposed program for two reasons. First: it focused a person on an education path specifically targeted toward the Career they chose. Because of this clear focus, universities were able to shorten the time required to get a degree. Second: it put all those who wanted a higher education Career on a level playing field, where cost was no longer a factor. The system proposed by The Network had two categories: student and adult learners. Here is how it works today: First, students. As students near the end of grade 9, they are required to choose a minimum of two careers they want to pursue; in order of preference. The only stipulation being, that all together, the number of university years required for their careers, cannot exceed six years. For example, if their first Career choice needs a four year program, then their second, and any subsequent choices, will need to be programs that total two years or less. Once chosen, grades 10, 11, and 12 are then focused on preparing that student for their 1st Career choice by providing much of the basic learning that had previously been at university level. This dramatically shortens university. Adults: They too are subject to the six year university maximum, which includes any previous post secondary education they currently have. Again, depending on their Career choices, they may need all six years to accomplish a Career such as a doctor, in which case, their 2nd and subsequent Careers will need to be ones that don’t require university. Or, they could divide up those six years to accomplish training for two or more Careers. The main difference between students and adults is that students (post-army) are not required to undertake Social Positions until they graduate. While at university, their basic needs are met, plus 4 fulfillment hours are banked for them—enabling them to enjoy life while focusing on their studies. Adults, however, must continue to work their 4 hours in their Social Positions. Many adults, however, are choosing to work an extra 4 Career hours which earns them their 4 banked hours as well. These adults are taking their university classes on weekends or evenings. Most feel it’s worth it. Short-term pain for long-term gain: a university degree at no cost. Opening a door to a Career that was previously out of reach for them. Another important aspect The Network introduced, is mandatory on-the-job training. It has been woven into the fabric of every workplace. This is essential for keeping incumbents abreast of new information. It also ensures that people re-entering a position after one of their 3 year breaks, have all the information, innovations and advancements they require, to stay current in their field of work. Of all aspects of The Network, technology has become the most advanced and diverse. This segment addresses all technological requirements for every division and department in The Network; including the Digital Assistant and its programs. This one device alone is responsible for ensuring that every adult has the ability to place on-line orders, access job boards, cast votes … just to mention a few of its functions. Overall, Education and Technology is offering a bold new set of programs to launch the future. … A Network future.

00:00 / 02:35

2028! SAFETY - MILITARY (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) The year is 2028 and The Network is here; and with it we are seeing a dramatic change in ideology. Even before the election, The Network realized that other countries who have not yet adopted The Network’s structure and ideology may wrongly perceive our country as having been weakened, and therefore, may see us as a potential target. Safety is one of the 6 fundamental basic needs of man, and is therefore, one of the 6 main sections of The Network’s Social Division. Knowing that an ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure, much of The Network’s focus has been on creating a renewed and enhanced military for some time now. As early as 2024, The Network began to prepare us by ensuring our military strength was bolstered significantly enough to discourage anyone who might be tempted to become aggressive. To achieve this, The Network introduced mandatory military enlistment of all students graduating from high school for a term of 3 years; before they head off to University or choose to pursue other endeavors. Should a student want the Military to be one of their Careers, they can begin their post-secondary education in the Military immediately, and have their choice of Branch they want to serve in. In addition to protecting the country, the role of the Military has been vastly expanded and our troops are engaged in a wide variety of services both at home and abroad. Part of their mandate is to improve the standard of living in countries who have recently adopted The Network and have joined The Coalition of Nations. Luckily, as more and more countries adopt The Network, the chance of war decreases exponentially as each new member joins. Not only is the primary driver for war (i.e.: profit) no longer a factor, but neither is land ownership or differences in culture, or religious diversity. Moreover, as each country joins the coalition, they too will have their armed forces fortified and will work together with all other countries in the Coalition to protect one another. The enhancement of our Military has served yet another unexpected purpose. It has brought people around the world much closer to one another. “We the people…” is now taking on a whole new meaning.

00:00 / 03:01

2028! POLLUTION (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) In the years between 2024 and 2028, as the prospect for a healthy, sustainable host came to the forefront, an anti-pollution momentum began to take on a life of its own. As soon as, “making a profit", became an antiquated notion, the need to make things quickly and cheaply was no longer required. Consequently, production lines began to become obsolete. Cutting costs and cutting corners became a thing of the past. Now, there are plenty of man-hours to get everything done in a responsible, environmentally friendly manner. Progress to date? We can proudly say that, “we are no longer a disposable society”. If it can be recycled, it will be. “Things” of every description, are being broken down into their elements and are recycled, refurbished, recreated, renewed. The focus has turned away for industrialization. Whether or not it takes a seamstress ten times as long to sew an article that a machine on a production line might have made in ten minutes, is irrelevant. That machine created pollution and there are sufficient man-hours available to justify the use of the seamstress’ time. Mass production, in general, is being discontinued. This, “turning back the clock to a simpler time”, is surprisingly delightful. The day of the milkman has reemerged—providing fresh, daily delivery service to your doorstep. The clean, sterilized glass milk bottles are, of course, picked up and recycled. Fresh bread, hot from the baker’s oven, is also delivered daily. It arrives wrapped securely in brown paper, and that too, is bound for the recycling depot. Then there’s the old-fashioned catalogue shopping to enjoy. A virtual paradise of “things” we need in life, along with the goodies. And with each click of an order, it’s good to know that all these ‘things’ will be recycled. Both nationally and internationally, major advancements have been made. Innovations in the timber industry have made it possible for mandatory select cut and reforestation is now booming. The transition away from fossils fuels, replacing them primarily with solar and geothermal energy, cannot be overstated. Coast to coast, fisheries have been revamped with strictly enforced maximums and aquaculture is rapidly revitalizing our oceans. All of our systems and delivery methods of the past are being revisited, reinvented, reimagined; and our planet is welcoming each and every one of them.

00:00 / 03:03

2028! DIVISION TWO: THE CAREER DIVISION (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) Back then life was work, work, work. Careers were rarely about making life better. They were mostly a necessary evil for people to be able to meet their needs. Here in 2028, there has been a major shift. With The Network having established three distinct Divisions, the only mandatory work for adults, is 4 hours per day in The Social Division. This four hours ensures everyone’s basic needs are met. Now a Career becomes a desirable option. If you do decide to engage in a Career, it provides you a means to bank up to 4 hours of time per day that you can use to “purchase” luxuries or put toward a myriad of activities offered in The Fulfillment Division. Moreover, having a Career is now a means for a person to pursue and engage in learning and applying that skill, or special interest, for the good of society. And in turn they receive time-credit of up to 4 hours per day. Your Career can be in any one of the 3 Divisions. For example, you could be an agronomist in The Social Division, creating new cereal crops ... or a professor in The Career Division, teaching at a university ... or a tour guide in the Fulfillment Division. Not unlike how it worked in 2024, hiring for Career Jobs is based on qualifications and suitability. Conversely, you could choose to have no Career at all. In this case, you would have a great deal of free time because you would only be working 4 hours per day in your Social Position. However, without a Career, no banked hours are earned. So many of the luxuries of life are not attainable. But for many people, the simplicity of a walk in the park is just as rewarding as anything that banked hours can offer. It’s all about personal choice. Like Social Positions, time spent at your Career-Job is limited to a 3 year period before you must switch—so that no positional power can be established. You can, of course, switch back to your Career-Job after a 3 year absence. And this switching back and forth will allow you to build expertise in your Career, without amassing power. One exception to this rule is when someone qualifies for The Merit Council. Here, Social Division Positions and Career-Jobs are married together, for people who need special consideration. Choosing to engage in a Career can enrich your life by helping you acquire a Career-Job you are passionate about; while at the same time serving the greater good of society. In return, you are rewarded with 4 hours of time banked per day for your service that can be used for items and activities that make your life even more satisfying.

00:00 / 01:38

2028! THE COUNCILS (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) The Network structure is comprised of 3 Divisions: The Social Division (made up of 6 "Basic Needs" commissions), The Career Division, and The Fulfillment Division. Hand in hand with this macro structure, Councils are internal micro units designed to address those elements that are required to ensure society functions smoothly. The Councils were created to deal with specific needs and issues. For example, the function of The Merit Council, is to address the needs of individuals who are in special circumstances; such as the physically or mentally challenged. In these instances, thoughtful considerations are made, which allow specially-abled people, the ability to proportionally contribute to societal needs. Like commission members, council members are not elected or appointed. They too, must apply for these positions and are selected on their merit and suitability. Once a council member has served their 3 year term, they must move on, to break the chain of positional power. After a 3 year break, they may re-apply for other commission, or council positions. And they would be welcome applicants, as their experience would be very useful. But not until the possibility of any power-broking has been removed by a 3 year hiatus.

00:00 / 03:55

2028! THE MERIT COUNCIL (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) The Network’s main focus is to ensure that everyone’s basic human needs are being met and it’s The Social Division that is charged with this task. To accomplish this, The Social Division created 6 Commissions, each responsible for providing one of the 6 basic human needs. With every able-bodied adult now devoting 4 hours work per day, this benchmark is being met. However, The Network recognized that not everyone has the same abilities. To address this, The Merit Council, and its multiple sections, was established. The mandate of The Merit Council is to deal with specific circumstances and issues. Among these special situations are: the elderly, the disabled, people with special needs, children, those facing bereavement and trauma, those serving their mandatory military time, university students ... and more. The largest section of The Merit Council is the one addressing the needs of the elderly—anyone 75 or older. This section of the council offers any senior who does not have the endurance they once had, the opportunity to devote hours based strictly on their ability—physically, mentally and emotionally. In return, for whatever number of hours that is, The Merit Council banks 4 fulfillment hours per day on their behalf. In this way, our seniors can enjoy life to the fullest even if they can’t sustain the same schedule as a younger, healthier person. The section of The Merit Council that is responsible for working with the disabled, and those with special needs, offer much the same program as the one in place for the elderly. Another major section, is the one that handles the needs of students who are serving their mandatory military requirement, as well as when they are in full-time university. The goal is to ensure they can focus on whichever job is at hand, knowing that their needs are being met and that fulfillment hours are being banked by The Merit Council on their behalf. Some sections of The Merit Council, deal with situations that are of a more temporary nature: like trauma, accidents, bereavement … things like that. The Merit Council feels it’s important that people facing challenging times in their lives receive the support they require in order to heal; whether it’s physically, emotionally or mentally. These circumstances are given special consideration that is handled on a case by case basis. In each of its sections, the Merit Council is working to help people feel they are contributing to the overall needs of society and that they are valued. One of the often repeated placements for the elderly, is into child care centers—where their life experience and interest in children is able to flourish. The best part is that everyone stays active in the community in whatever manner their age or health will allow. Another frequent placement occurs when physically and/or mentally challenged people fill roles in one of the many recycling stations. Here, they avoid the added stress that interaction with other people can cause, while still providing an essential service in a world where recycling has become of paramount importance. Everyone has merit, and the Merit Council is determined to bring it to the forefront.

00:00 / 03:06

2028! THE CULTURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) One of the most urgent issues in 2024 was discrimination. There was discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, color, social status, gender ... and it manifested in a myriad of subtle and not-so-subtle ways. To make things worse, the unrest was fueled by politicians pandering to the loudest voices. Sadly, their pandering to these special interest groups only served to worsen divisiveness between people. 2024 was a hotbed of unrest. With The Network stepping in, one of the overriding targets is the ultimate elimination of discrimination in any form. Among its founding principles is: Equality For Everyone. Equality is crucial for bringing people together and bringing the conflict caused by discrimination to an end. Many special interest groups who previously enjoyed having “special status” are dismayed by the changes The Network has made, but with these changes, together with the removal of money, power and position, true equality is now possible. Hand in hand with this, The Cultural Affairs Council is also tasked with maintaining, protecting and promoting all unique cultures and ethnicities, races, and religions within society--regardless of size or prominence. Its mandate is to ensure the survival of their uniqueness for posterity; to avoid becoming a melting pot of humanity at all costs.  Opportunities are being created for every distinct culture, race, religion and ethnicity to openly celebrate their differences, and then share them with others within the larger community. The goal is to break down tensions, promote equality and eliminate hostilities caused by discrimination. To accomplish this, there are now very strict laws in place that do not tolerate acts of hate or discrimination. The Cultural Affairs Council is determined to instill understanding, tolerance and appreciation of one another’s differences as well as our similarities. One of the boldest initiatives The Cultural Affairs Council introduced was when it moved, “freedom of religion”, under the umbrella of The Fulfillment Division. This has taken religion out of its previously controversial position in society, and has placed it squarely in the arena of personal fulfillment. Having people choose to spend their banked time to practice their faith is an effective way of fostering equality. It also removes the positional power that religious leaders once held. With the death of financial, political, and societal inequality, The Network is making huge strides toward living in harmony with one another. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but dogged perseverance on the part of The Network is showing impressive strides forward in this area.

00:00 / 04:26

2028! THE COUNCIL FOR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (AUDIO TRANSCRIPT) In the decades leading up to 2024, people of the world were used to living under the extreme tension of nations being at war or threatening war with one another. By 2024 this tension was palpable. Who was going to push the big red button? This bubbling cauldron of unrest was one of the key components that spawned the birth of The Network. In 2028, the first country to adopt The Network made a bold step for other nations to follow. Contained within this framework was the Council for International Affairs. The purpose of this Council is to help smooth the transition as other nations join The Coalition of Nations, and to move their focus from a national, to a global system. The Council for International Affairs has three main branches. 1. International Economics, 2. Heritage, Culture, Race & Religion, and 3. International Immigration. Under International Economics, once a new country becomes part of The Coalition of Nations, all participating countries move, as a unified group, to aid the newcomer. To help them transition into the structure. The import/export status of the newcomer is evaluated in relation to their needs and how they will fit into the global picture. Should the incoming country require additional goods or services to position them to participate in a global system, the Council will go as far as transplanting new industries into their country. For example, they may help them develop a primary industry (raw goods) ... or promote a secondary industry (manufacturing of raw materials) ... or implement a service industry. Or in some cases, assist them to create an intellectual, or knowledge-based industry. In short, when needed, they will do whatever it takes to make that incoming country self-sufficient; whether that industry is tourism, orchards or computer chips. The most intriguing aspect of the International Economics branch, is the global approach that is being taken to combat global problems, like water shortage. Under the Heritage, Culture, Race & Religion Branch, the mandate is to ensure that all incoming countries protect the various cultures within their borders. Celebrate those cultures, hold them unique and then share them with others. In this manner, acceptance of diversity strengthens nations and breaks down tensions rather than the previous “melting pot of humanity” where cultures were lost. The Branch of International Immigration plays a key role in helping citizens find and claim their country of citizenship. No longer is it mandatory to remain a citizen of the country of your birth. Within the Coalition, all citizens have access to a cooperative, international immigration system, that requires each person to choose one country of citizenship. Once chosen, they must then live in that country. There are a number of ways to qualify for citizenship of another country, but the primary qualification is that a person’s rightful claim to a heritage and homeland is now recognized for two full generations. It is made clear that in the near future, the standard of living of all other countries within the Coalition, will be on par with one another. So changing countries for many of the old, common reasons is no longer necessary. A further advantage for countries to join the Coalition, is that the armed forces of all Coalition countries join together to assist incoming countries with improving their infrastructure. Ensuring that all 6 basic needs are met and act as liaison between people and The Network. This Council is a key element in the transition to global interaction between nations.